Spencer Smith, the two-year old grandson of Kirk and Linda Hinman, was just diagnosed with a rare, incurable, progressive disease called MPS-III, or Sanfilippo Syndrome. The good news is, you have the power to help this little guy.
As definitive proof that no good deed goes unpunished, an unidentified Oregon man in his 50s has contracted the plague after rescuing a mouse from the jaws of a cat. Gah! Next time, just let nature take its course, pal.
“Imagine you’ve been diagnosed with an incurable genetic disease and you are told you will not only lose your ability to walk and move your arms, but you will die between now and the next 18 months. What would you do?”
The parents of 5-month-old Avery Lynn Canahuati, who’s suffering from spinal muscular atrophy, had to ask themselves this same question. Their answer? Avery’s Bucket List Blog.
Thought to be eliminated in the US since 2000, the number of measles cases spiked last year to 222, the highest number in 15 years. Not surprisingly, the majority of those affected did not receive the measles vaccine, said a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.