Partying until dawn. Rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. That's what you might think Rod Stewart does in his free time, but it's not. Rod Stewart spends his free time working on a life long hobby. What that hobby is may surprise you.
Earlier this week, 'Merry Christmas, Baby' Rod Stewart's first Christmas album arrived in stores. He'll be performing in NYC at the Rockerfeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting. (and you have a chance to be there to see him) Also out now is his memoir, titled 'Rod, which he admits to putting off for a long time because he thought it might "be beneath him." What else does Stewart hav
With such a long and successful music career, you'd think there couldn't be any more for Rod Stewart to do. He's done it all, right? Nope. He's getting ready to release his first Christmas album.
Rod Stewart has been a part of the music industry for decades but the one thing he's never done, until now, is release a Christmas album. That's about to change.
Sunday is Aprils Fools Day so go ahead; wrap a rubber band around the spray hose, give someone a fake lottery ticket or tell them you have a one hundred bill for them and then hand them your cable bill. Have fun with the pranks this weekend and keep the Lite on as we'll feature some foolish songs like these.
Rod Stewart has lived quite the rock ‘n’ roll life, fronting two revered bands, compiling a long list of solo hits and walking down the aisle more than once (usually with a model).
That said, he has more than enough material to fill an autobiography, and Stewart is in fact working on one that’s due in stores next fall from Crown Archetype, a division of Random House.
Before they made their millions, many celebrities settled for minimum wage. Though it’s hard to imagine it now, what with their expensive houses, cars and vacations, people like Amy Adams, Gwen Stefani and Brad Pitt actually worked at restaurants, salons and, in the case of ‘Law & Order: SVU’ star Christopher Meloni, the morgue.