It looks like Utica's newest food challenge might be the tastiest part of your summer.

Do you love eating a delicious polish traditional Pączki? Well, put your money where your mouth is. It's the first annual Pączki Eating Contest with the Polish Community Club of Utica:

You'll want to try The rules are simple: First one to finish their pączki wins… Oh, and did we forget to mention you can’t use your hands?

This challenge all takes place during the club's annual Polish Days. There is an entry fee of $10. You can find the entry form online here.

The paperwork and entry fee must be submitted beforehand (mailed or in person).

If you win, the winner will be recognized as the PCC's 2024 Pączki Eating Champion of Utica and will win the cash prize. This exciting contest will be held on Saturday August 10th at 7:00PM. You still have plenty of time to train your stomachs.

Read More: Win $1,000 Grand Prize In Central New York Corn On The Cob Eating Contest

Get ready to shuck and roll when you win $1,000 in this Central New York corn on the cob eating contest.

The 24th Annual Schuyler Car and Corn Extravaganza is back on Saturday August 10th from 3PM to dusk at the Schuyler Recreation Center. This cornucopia of fun promises something for everyone, and it's all free, rain or shine. The highlight of the event is the $1,000 Grand Prize Corn on the Cob Eating Contest. You can read all about it online here, and how to enter.

21 New York State Food Challenges Man Vs Food Has Taken

Have you ever watched Man v. Food? If so, have you ever wondered where across New York State the show has visited? What food challenges were featured?

So far New York State has been featured in Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9. Through all of those seasons, Man vs. Food has visited New York State 21 times and counting. Here's a look at all the challenges, cities, and restaurants featured:

Gallery Credit: Dave Wheeler

11 Delicious New York State Pizza Challenges You Need To Try

If you love eating pizza, and you have a pretty big stomach, have you ever considered taking part in a pizza eating competition? You should check out some of these pizza eating challenges scattered all over New York State.

Gallery Credit: Dave Wheeler

23 Delicious New York State Burger Challenges

Have you ever wanted to compete in a food eating challenge or competition? You should consider taking on one of these 23 burger challenges.

Gallery Credit: Dave Wheeler


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