It's a  story that's getting alot of attention, and not just in Texas.    A woman in Texas  has given birth to a 16-pound baby that's already two-feet tall, which is  the height of an average one-year-old.

JaMichael Brown,  who has been nicknamed "The Moose" by hospital staff, was delivered by C-section  last Friday to Janet Johnson and her fiancé, Michael Brown. The baby  now holds the title for the biggest infant ever born at Good Shepherd Medical Center in Longview, Texas.

The medical term for such large newborns is macrosomia, which literally means "large of body." While JaMichael  seems pretty healthy right now,  doctors say these babies often have high blood sugar at birth and an increased risk of obesity or diabetes later in life.  We wish JaMichael a long, happy , healthy life!

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