Time Warner announced that they will be going all digital, and existing customers will need to pay for an adapter or set-top box to watch ANY TV. 

New Yorker's are up in arms over a recent announcement by Time Warner Cable; According to Syracuse.com:

The cable company recently notified customers in the Hudson Valley that it will be going "all digital" starting March 15. It will require customers to use a set-top box or adapter on all of their televisions.

Current Time Warner digital subscribers already have a converter box, but non-digital subscribers can currently access about 70 channels simply by plugging in their cable lines directly to their televisions.  However, the non-digital option will be soon be obsolete, and it probably means customers will have to pay more for cable.

Currently, digital subscribers pay an additional $11.75 a month for the converter box, and costs even more if the box includes a digital video recorder. A spokeswoman for the company said that the change will affect Central New Yorkers, but the exact time of the transition is undetermined.


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