Top Places to Play Hide and Seek in CNY Since IKEA Said No
If you've ever been inside of an IKEA store, then you know how massive the place is. Because of it's size and large selection of inventory, it was starting to become a trend for people to play hide and seek inside the store. Well, company officials are putting a stop to it.
As fun as it would be to play hide and seek in such a huge store, there are plenty of awesome places for you to relive your childhood here in Central New York!
1. Bass Pro Shop
Why not keep the big store idea? The best part about Bass Pro Shop is the assortment of camouflage options. You can hide practically anywhere in there! Except don't try and hide in the fish tank, you will probably get thrown out for that.
2. The Utica Zoo
By playing hide and seek at the zoo, you can kill two birds with one stone (except don't actually kill any birds). You can take in all the fine sights the zoo has to offer and it is a big enough place where there are endless hiding spots, like maybe somewhere near the giant watering can.
3. The Utica Memorial Auditorium
This venue would be the perfect spot to play, especially during a Comets game! Where there aren't many places really to "hide" at the AUD, the "seek" part of the game would be intense because where you may see your hiding people in plain view, you still have to tag them and there is a lot of room to run at the AUD.
4. Fort Stanwix
Of course you'll have to wait until there isn't a battle reenactment going on, but this is like the Kid's Country playground on crack! (For those who remember Kid's Country. Let's face it...this is a FORT! If you can't have a good game of hide and seek, you have no business even playing!
5. Anywhere But IKEA
The truth is, there are plenty of places to play hide and seek and even if you feel you might be too old for it, you never are. The important thing to know is we don't have an IKEA here, but the point is, it's important to remember to stay active and get outside and have fun. The weather will be getting nicer and you'll want to get out an enjoy it. Do it with a classic childhood game, doesn't have to be JUST hide and seek.
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