Turning Back The Clocks: Three Tips To Keep Your Sleep Schedule In Check
We're turning back the clocks this weekend, meaning we get an extra hour of sleep Saturday night! But, sometimes when there are clock changes, it does nothing more than mess with our 'internal' clocks (as I call it) and the change actually makes us MORE tired than usual.
With that, I figured now would be a good time to present you with some tips on how to successfully make it through the change without disrupting your sleep for Sunday too much.
First of all, stick to your regular sleeping pattern. This time around with the time change, we gain an extra hour, which will be easier on the body than when we spring forward. In theory, you should wake up on Sunday feeling more refreshed since we get the extra hour. Falling asleep on Sunday night might be a little tricky.
Second, try to eliminate all technology in your bedroom. Studies have shown that the 'blue light' on the screens of our cell phones, televisions, tablets, etc. can be potentially hazardous for the health of your eyes, and can disrupt your sleep. Try to keep all electronics out of the bedroom and stop using them one to two hours before sleeping. Whatever you do, DON'T use your technology when you can't sleep. It's just confusing to your body.
Finally, try avoid taking any naps. It way seem like a good idea when your sleep schedule/body clock is out of wack, but it can lower the quality of sleep we get at night. If you need to take a nap, resort to 10 or 20 minutes.
Gaining or loosing an hour often effects your sleep schedule for about five to seven days, said Timothy Morgenthaler, Mayo Clinic's co-director of the Center for Sleep Medicine, said in an email with USA Today. According to him, he sees most changes in those who regularly do not get enough sleep.
People who are sleep-deprived might struggle with memory, learning, social interactions and overall cognitive performance.
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