Walmart, Target Stores Only Allowed to Sell ‘Essential Items’ in Some States
In some parts of the United States, stores like Target, Walmart, and Costco are limited to selling only essential items - and not things like electronics and clothing. Does this need to come to CNY?
States including Missouri and Vermont have forbidden big box stores from selling items that aren't considered "essential" in an effort to limit store traffic and slow the spread of coronavirus, according to a report in Business Insider. Stores have either blocked off aisles or removed 'non-essential' items from shelves.
Big box stores are allowed to remain open under New York's shutdown of non-essential businesses because they carry essential items like food. Walmart and Target have already taken steps like limiting the number of people in the store at any one time, instituting one-way aisles, and enforcing social distancing rules.

Does New York need to follow in the steps of these other states? Are people headed to stores as a social excursion, or are we only shopping when it's absolutely necessary?
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