Kaylin’s Take: Went To A Zoom Wedding, Here’s What Happened
I was supposed to be in Florida celebrating one of my best friends at her wedding last weekend. They had planned to get married at a beautiful resort in Florida. Obviously, because of coronavirus - the wedding got postponed.
Ariella and I met in college. My boyfriend at the time and her lived in the same dorm on the same floor. He introduced us, and the rest is history. We've been friends for about six years now. She lives happily in Long Island, and I live here in the Mohawk Valley. Despite being distant, that doesn't change our relationship (like many friendships that exist.) We text each other, a few weeks ago we decided to FaceTime each other just because we were both bored and decided to catch up.
During the call, I saw that her house looked extra decorated, particularly with bright yellow sunflowers.
"Uhhhh Ariella, what is that in the background. WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING?"
She explained that her and David were working on getting their marriage license so they could still get married on the day that they were supposed to in Florida.

Saturday morning came and I was wondering how exactly it was going to work. How long was it going to take? Who was going to be attending? What exactly do I need to wear?
I decided to dress up like I normally would for the wedding, despite sitting in front of a computer and attending via webcam. I took a shower, put on this sparkly gold dress I own, and did my hair and makeup.
From there, we at the kitchen table and turned on my laptop. I logged into my Zoom account and typed in the meeting ID to see that several others were logged in ready to experience the wedding with us.
Ariella and David had two cameras set up for them at their home: one so you could see her them down the aisle, and the other towards the wedding altar.
The ceremony happened, and really it was beautiful. I will say, it was a very special moment but I wish I could have been able to experience it in person rather than virtually. The whole experience was weird for me. One of my best friends married the man of her dreams and I couldn't be there in person to love and celebrate them.
After they were pronounced man and wife, they came over to the camera to say hello to everyone. Konrad and I took a celebratory shot of vodka to congratulate them (since we couldn't be there to do one with them.
I went to a Zoom Wedding, it wasn't my favorite, but I was happy to be a part of Ariella's special day. I can't wait to celebrate in person when this whole thing is over with.
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