Will You Dare Explore ‘The Edge’ in New York City?
If you've ever been atop the CN Tower in Toronto or the Space Needle in Seattle or the Stratosphere in Las Vegas, the Big Apple has a lofty experience in the works that you might also enjoy. On the other hand, if you're afraid of heights, this may NOT be the thing for you.
New York City will be home to the tallest observation deck in the Western Hemisphere. The Edge is a 100-floor lookout that's just a portion of a new complex called Hudson Yards, currently under construction on Manhattan's West Side. There will be panoramic views stretching for miles, courtesy of tall windows--all of it a stunning 1,100 feet in the air. And that's not all.
There's a glass floor, so you can stare past your feet and into the abyss. Here's a picture snapped from underneath the deck, with its triangular glass floor:
The deck juts geometrically 65 feet off the side of the building. It will take a 60-second elevator trip to reach the top. Once there, visitors will be eye-to-eye with the skyscraping antenna of the crosstown Empire State Building.
The Edge will also feature a bar and restaurant, and will open in 2020. For more pictures and details, read Jen Chung's article for Gothamist.com.
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