Want to Escape Mind Numbing Zoom Meetings? There’s an App for That
Raise your hand if you're sick and tired of sitting in front of your computer screen on Zoom calls, listening to co-workers ramble on, fading in and out so you only hear every other word, and basically wasting your time. Wish you could escape? Now you can. Because there's an app for that.
The Zoom Escaper, created by Sam Lavigne, allows you to bail on your Zoom meeting and the others on the call will be the ones asking you to leave. Brilliant! God bless you Sam.
Once you download the app, and free audio software called VB-Audio to route your audio through the website, the Zoom Escaper will allow you to escape a call by playing an array of different sound effects - an echo, a bad connection, a crying baby, wind, dogs, construction and even noises from the bathroom.

The sound effects, that only the others in the Zoom call can hear, will give you a reason to bail on the meeting. The noise may become so unbearable you'll even be asked to leave.
Sam, you're my hero.
Don't get me wrong. Zoom calls are a great way to stay connected during the coronavirus pandemic. But do we really need a mind numbing meeting to discuss something that was once handled with a simple phone call or an email?
Escape your next Zoom call at Zoomescaper.com.
Watch the video for step by step instructions with Sam.
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