5 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep in 2017
Once the second week of January hits, it seems like all the new resolutions we just made are impossible. Why not make some resolutions you know you can keep?
Get Active!
It's easy to say, 'I'm going to exercise more this year...' seeing as (most likely) you didn't really pay attention to how much you exercised last year. Don't be so vague with your resolution - set an actual goal. Maybe say, 'I'm going to go for a walk after dinner at least three times a week,' or 'I'm going to exercise at least 15 minutes every other day.' It may not seem like a lot, but it's realistic, and it gets you moving every single day.
Spend More Time With Family
Maybe plan a family movie night, or game night once a week (or even once a month). Schedule some time in your life just to relax and be with the ones close to you. If your kids have already moved out, you could set up a time to call them (say once a week), or plan a trip to see them.
Pay Off Some Of Those Lingering Bills
Sure, we would all love to be completely out of debt, but if you have a million dollars in credit card bills, making a resolution to be debt-free isn't very realistic (it's possible, but still... not realistic). Break it down smaller than that. Maybe pay off an old medical bill that you've had for five years, or pay off one certain credit card.
Help Yourself
Whether it's to better yourself by learning something new, or giving yourself a little more relax time, this is definitely a resolution you can keep. Again, make it a realistic goal. Learn how to cook a new meal for yourself, or give yourself a spa day once every three months. Don't expect to be able to give yourself a relax day once a week, especially if you have a difficult or busy schedule. Learning a new language is always great, but can you fit it into your life? Do you have enough time? Pay attention to these things when you're coming up with your resolutions.
Help Others
Again, this is another easy resolution to keep. You don't have to become the head of your local food bank, just do something small. Maybe help your elderly neighbor carry in their groceries when you see them, or volunteer at a soup kitchen once a month (or on holidays).
Good Luck!
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