5 Terrible Father’s Day Gifts Dad Won’t Admit He Hates
June 21st is Father's Day and there are a ton of possible gifts to get Dad. Most of the time he'll enjoy whatever you give him, but you may want to avoid the following gifts. Your dad may be too nice to tell you he hates them!
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The Smelliest Gift of AllOlga Popova/ThinkStock/TSMOlga Popova/ThinkStock/TSM No Dad has ever enjoyed getting a gift like this because what good is a gift that you can't enjoy. Socks and Undies are a necessity. Nothing says "I love you dad" like underwear.
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Coffee Mug
They Only End Up As Desk DecorDaniel Berehulak/Getty ImagesDaniel Berehulak/Getty Images Dad wants something he can enjoy. Now, what if Dad doesn't drink coffee? What makes this mug any different than the one you got him last year? The thing will only end up gathering dust as a pen holder.
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Even Dad's Who Like To Read Don't Want ThemFuse/ThinkStock/TSMFuse/ThinkStock/TSM Even the Dads who like to read would rather not have a book as a gift. If there is a book they really want, they'll get it themselves!! Don't take it personally, just think of something else!
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Yes, That's right! Tools.Les Cunliffe/ThinkStock/TSMLes Cunliffe/ThinkStock/TSM Some dads may seem excited about getting new tools, but the truth is...it just means more work for them! Stick to something he can ENJOY!!
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These are the WORST!!jenifoto/ThinkStock/TSMjenifoto/ThinkStock/TSM The tie is the worst Father's Day gift you could possibly get. Not only is it usually the worse design, it's just a terrible idea and he will pretend to love it, but it will end up in the back of the closet.
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