7 Strange Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for the Oddball in Your Life
Sometimes Valentine's Day can get a bit weird, especially if you're in a new relationship, or maybe your significant other is not into traditional Valentine's items.
So, forget about flowers, candy and greeting cards with hearts on them. If those types of Valentine's gifts just aren't your loved one's thing, and you need to think outside the box for February 14th, we've got a few ideas for you. Here are 7 Strange Valentine's Day Gifts for the Oddball on Your List:
The Wilson Replica Volleyball. Perfect for the Mr. or Ms. Lonely Hearts who happens to be a big fan of the movie Castaway. We bet Tom Hanks has one at home. Available on ebay.
The "You Repulse Me the Least Coffee" Mug. Perfect for the snarky couple. Available on ebay.
Anatomically Correct Heart Jell-O Mold. As the ad on Amazon says, "Perfect for lovebirds med school students and aspiring cannibals." And recipes are included.
The "How to Swear in Every Language" Map. Poster-sized and suitable for framing and hanging. Plan your next trip and learn curse words for that locale. Available on firebox.
The Rubber Chicken Purse. Sold as a "hen bag" by the Sarut Group via ebay.
The Panda Bean Bag. A perfect chair for the crunchy animal lover on your list. Who wouldn't want to sit in this? Offered by WOWMAX via Amazon.
The 2-Carat Ring Mug. For the man or woman who wants to FEEL engaged or married WHILE drinking coffee. Offered by Fred & Friends via Amazon.
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