Am I Weird: Do You Do This At The Movies Too?
Ever have one of those moments where you wonder 'Am I weird?' Yeah, me too. This one involves the movies.
Here's the thing: I get movie anxiety. I don't feel settled until I have my tickets, and I'm settled into my seat. Why? I can't miss the coming attractions. EVER.
In fact, I'd say that I enjoy the coming attractions MORE than I like the movie itself. (Except for Rocketman, that movie was amazing.) Furthermore, I have been known to sit and watch JUST coming attractions for hours on end. (Yes, you can actually do that.)
I'll take it a step further: sometimes, if the movie looks good, but too scary - I'll look up the ending - and then I'll decide if I want to see it. (Case in point: 'Where'd You Go, Bernadette' - a new movie coming out with Cate Blanchett. Already know how it ends.)
So what do you think? Am I weird because I'm anxious at the movies until I sit down and know I haven't missed the coming attractions.
Let me know at or text me on the Lite 98.7 app.