A series of unrelated events in Texas Wednesday could be a conspiracy theorist's dream during this intense news week.  On a week that already brought us the Boston Marathon Bombings and ricin letters, comes a horrific explosion at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas.

The coincidence is that the explosion, which has been classified as an industrial accident, coincided with two disaster drills.

FEMA in Waco

Early this morning (4/18) a video was posted to YouTube by a citizen journalist that shows FEMA trucks staging at a Fairfield Inn in Waco. The comments associated with the video indicate that there was an emergency preparedness drill planned, but has been rescheduled so responders could assist with the West Fertilizer explosion.

 Due to the events in West,Texas last night, North Hills Hospital and the NCTTRAC have chosen to cancel today's emergency preparedness drill. Many of the same resources planned for the drill have already deployed to West to help care for the victims down there...

Operation Black Rain

Black Rain is a nuclear disaster drill being staged April 18-19 involving a scenario of a 'radiological catastrophe' at Comanche Park Nuclear Power Plant in Glen Rose, Texas, about 60 miles north of West. The drill is being staged by the Texas Emergency Medical Task Force. The drill imagines:

The North Central Texas region is impacted by a radiological catastrophe at Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant. The blast and residual fallout results in many injuries and fatalities within the immediate hazard area and the densely populated DFW Metroplex area is affected by blackouts and rolling brownouts due to loss of power generation. Blast and fallout damage results in a critical taxing of the medical community and generates a potential need for medical evacuation and vast number of worried well within the metropolitan population.

Glen Rose to West Texas
Glen Rose to West Texas/Google Maps

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