Every Woman Should Watch The ‘Woman in the Mirror’ Video
In today's society there are many people who struggle with self-esteem. The portrayals of what people "should" look like in the media play a big role in this. One woman from the UK decided to make a video in order to help those women out there who may not be happy with their appearance.
The woman in this video is also the author of the poem. Her name is Sheree Aliethea Orelaja and in her video description she talks about her motivation for writing this poem and producing this video.
Woman in the mirror is a hand finished inspirational keepsake card designed for women of all ages. Inside the card is a poem written by myself encouraging women to love themselves and be happy with what they have and how they look.
The media gives us false & inaccurate images of what a woman should like. Most of what we see is photoshopped which is not a realistic representation of real women. This leads a lot of women to depression and unnecessary surgical procedures.
I couldn't have said it better myself. Good for Sheree! I hope that any woman who is struggling will watch this and be reminded that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the first person that needs to see that is the individual.
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