Did you see that guy on America's Got Talent levitate? Special Head stunned the crowd when he popped up and appeared to float in thin air. We've seen this on national TV before from the likes of Chris Angel and David Blaine, but we've never seen it quite like this. Would you like to know how he did it? You've gotta see this, if you haven't yet.

Sure, he is holding onto his cane, which we now know is assisting with the illusion, because it attaches to rods and a small seat hidden carefully under Specials Head's robe. It is indeed a pretty cool illusion. It was WILD to see this on America's Got Talent. Oh yeah, Howard Stern X'd him before the man could even finish and then took his X back after he was finished, something Howard has never done before. Here is the trick:

And now for the secret...how it's done:

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