How to Land a Seasonal Job With UPS Here in CNY
Most everyone is aware of UPS. But, did you know they usually hire about 100,000 seasonal employees each fall? And that some of those jobs--including ones at four UPS locations in New Hartford, Yorkville and Rome--can lead to fulfilling and secure careers?
Here are some important tips and facts you need to know to secure a seasonal job with United Parcel Service:
College students comprise the company's main hiring pool. And if you work for UPS while you're going to school, you could qualify for some financial assistance through the UPS Earn & Learn program.
The main positions they're looking to fill are "helpers." But, if you're more interested in being a driver or clerk, start as a helper and express an interest in transitioning to one of those other spots.
Part-timers can become full-timers very quickly. According to an article on Monster.com, notable promotions occur often at UPS:
Bryan McHugh started his career with the company as an hourly employee when he was in college. He loaded and unloaded trailers at the time, then moved through different departments into management. Having worked at UPS for 24 years, he’s now director of human resources in the operations role, where his focus is on hiring.
If you're interested in seasonal work with UPS or a potential career, start here. Hey, at the very least, you get a nice uniform to wear.
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