Is Your NY Man Experiencing Male Menopause?
Remember back in the day when "older" men we knew would come home one random day with a red sports car of some sort and the grownups would start whispering to each other that Mr. Ted (we'll call him this for ease and grace purposes) was going through a
"Mid-Life Crisis"?
Remember that?
Whell. It turns out, there's another name for it. Male Menopause. I found this cringe video that "explains" it all. I've dropping it in here because since I had to see it, now so do you.
Cringe video aside, male menopause is actually a thing. And it goes a little something like this according to Healthline:
“Male menopause” is the more common term for andropause. It describes an age-related reduction of testosterone (androgen) in cisgender males. Signs include fatigue, insomnia, mood changes, and more. It can also affect fertility.
When most of us think of menopause, we think of menstrual/hormonal changes in women. We don't often talk about age-related hormonal changes in men-- which can impact their quality of life too.
How Do You Know If You/A Man You Know Is Experiencing Andropause?
Very Well Health reports that "hypogonadism affects an estimated 5 million men in the United States, and although it may occur in men at any age (starting in the mid to late 30's), low levels are more common in older men." Symptoms include:
- low energy
- depression or sadness
- decreased motivation
- lowered self-confidence
- difficulty concentrating
- insomnia or difficulty sleeping
- increased body fat
- reduced muscle mass and feelings of physical weakness
- gynecomastia, or development of breasts
- decreased bone density
- erectile dysfunction
- reduced libido
- infertility
"In many cases, however, the symptoms of male menopause can be attributed to other factors and are not necessarily due to reductions in testosterone levels. This is at the root of controversies surrounding the condition. Activities and habits you partake in can be at the root of some symptoms such as loss of sexual drive, decreased motivation, unstable mood, and others. Significant among these lifestyle factors are:
- Insufficient sleep or insomnia
- Unhealthy diet
- Not getting enough exercise
- Smoking tobacco"
There's more to explore here. We'll get into that next time.
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