The Jack and Mo Cooking Show and Foocab Collect More Than 100 Pounds of Food for Charity
The Jack and Mo Cooking Show, a local family cooking school, doesn't just show families how to make quick, easy, and inexpensive meals. They also show the importance of helping out those who are less fortunate.
167 pounds of food was collected and donated to St. Margaret's Food Pantry at Grace Church in Utica, thanks to the Jack and Mo Cooking Show, and Foocab (a delivery service for area restaurants). Specifically called "Food for Hope," this food drive was in recognition of World Hunger Day, which was May 28th.
For just over a week, the two businesses worked together to collect donations for the Food Pantry. They asked other businesses to help with donations as well, and many stepped up to the plate. Some of the businesses who helped out include:
-Restaurant Equipment
-Bite Bakery
-Tramontane Cafe
-Utica Brews Cafe
-El Barajo
-Sloppy Joes
-Uncles Tavern
-Bone Yard Barbecue
-Guess House of Wings
This isn't the first time the Jack and Mo Cooking Show has collected donations from the community in an effort to help those in need in the area. Actually, for a lot of their cooking classes, you need to bring one or two non-perishable food items with you. And those items get donated to the St. Margaret's Food Pantry as well.
And coming up this Friday (June 9th), you can see the father-daughter cooking duo at the HomeOwnership Center's 2nd Annual Block Party. It will be held at the Empowerment Center in Utica and goes from 4p - 6p. The Jack and Mo Cooking Show will be there doing live cooking demonstrations.
They will also be offering a summer cooking class the following weekend (Saturday, June 17th) at MVCC in Rome. This class will teach you how to make quick, easy, and inexpensive dishes the whole family will love. You can get more information by visiting: JackAndMoCookingShow.WordPress
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