Meet The Newest Member of Kaylin’s Family
Friday was a pretty exciting day for Konrad and I. We added a new member to our family and I think it's safe to say that we are in LOVE.
This is Kuzko! He's a 14-week-old mini golden doodle, who loves cuddling, naps, playing with his toys and his doggy friends.
We've been doing research and have been on the hunt for a puppy for a little while now. Don't get me wrong, I am 100% a supporter of "adopt, don't shop" but there was some certain things we needed for my family, like a dog that was hypoallergenic, and one that was raised as a puppy around kids.
The breeder was absolutely wonderful to work with. Obviously because of all the scams that were going around during the pandemic, I took the time to research and ask a bunch of questions. The experience we had was very positive, very thorough and if we get another dog in the future, I would definitely use the same breeder if that's the route we were looking to take.
We are all prepared with all the things to get Kuzko trained and learning. We bought puppy pads assuming he wouldn't be potty trained. We bought a play pen so he could explore within the depths of a certain area unsupervised. We got all these things to be ready, and he didn't even need any of them. He was already potty trained, he's very good at staying with us and has already caught on to his name to answer and come when we call him.

He's starting to get into the routine that works for our family. I take him out before I leave for work and feed him breakfast. Konrad takes him out again before he leaves for work. Then, he's in the crate until I get done with the show. I either will take him with me to the office after our show is over, or if I have a long list of to-dos, I'll let him out to use the bathroom and then put him back in the crate for a few more hours.
I wanted to take the time to introduce him to you - because just like he is a member of my family, so are you. We wake up together each and every day and I thought you would love to see his cute face (which I literally can't keep my eyes off or stop thinking about.)
Here's just a few of the load of photos I've taken since we got him.
Introducing Kuzko!
KEEP LOOKING: See What 50 of America's Most 'Pupular' Dog Breeds Look Like as Puppies
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