The Most Googled Health Concern in New York
From runny noses to stomach aches, residents of New York have googled a lot of symptoms, but one more than the rest...
Do you ever find yourself 'googling' your symptoms to find out if there's something wrong or if you should go to the doctor? Of course you do... Or at least have. We all have. Sometimes you just need to know if you're freaking out over nothing, or if all those little symptoms are actually signs of something you should be worried about.
Sometimes we're just feeling irritable or have stomach cramps and we do a quick google search for home remedies or what we can do to prevent it/them next time.
The good people at Women's Health did some research to find the "Most Googled Health Symptom in Every State," and ours?? ...Well let's just say, we feel that once again, New York City is playing a huge part in the results.
According to Women's Health, New York's most google health symptom was "loss of sleep."
Okay. So that could be people concerned about the lack of sleep they're getting, which could be a big problem for people new to New York City and not used to the lights and noise, or someone who has lived there for years and has had years of bad sleep. BUT it could even be the people in Central New York who are always on the go, and trying to pack as much into their days as possible, that they don't have time to get enough sleep.
I'm more surprised that stress wasn't the most googled health concern, whether it's when to be worried that stress is doing too much damage to your body or ways to reduce and/or get rid of stress.
Actually, after looking further into the results from Woman's Health, there was only one other state whose most googled health symptom was "loss of sleep," and that was North Carolina.
On the flip side, there were 10 states whose most googled symptom was "stress" - TEN!!
What do you think?? Do these results surprise you? Do you think New York's most googled health symptom should have been stress? Maybe you think it's something completely different like "stomach ulcers," "headaches," or "motion sickness." Let us know - Leave us a comment or message on our Facebook Page at: Lite 98.7