According to a groundbreaking study published by JAMA Surgery, patients operated on by surgeons showing signs of stress had a 37% lower risk of major complications.
If you’ve ever stared at your overflowing inbox, listened to your coworker drone on about their cat’s gluten allergy, or wondered if this was the meeting that would finally break your will to live—congratulations! You’re officially qualified for New York’s new workplace stress workers’ compensation.
Discover the latest study findings on anxiety levels in the US leading up to the election year. Learn about the increase in anxiety nationwide, especially New York.
We all know the phrase "money can't buy happiness" is a big, fat lie. In fact, having too much money sounds like a problem a lot of us would like to have right now.
Marital Burnout is real. In fact, it's so real there are studies that say doing this regularly, can not only ease stress symptoms, it may even make your marriage better.
I know I'm not alone in the way I've been feeling. Especially with the pandemic, I know I'm not the only one feeling stressed out, burned out, tired out and overwhelmed.