Wouldn't it be great if there was an amazing place you could go when you were having a stressful day. A place that was free, close by, and guaranteed to make your stress just disappear?

When you're stressed out, it's hard to stay focused, get the things done you need to get done, and just make it through the day. What if you could head into an area, right in Utica, that could make all your stress go away, and you could continue on your day.

Now think about the things that calm you down when your stressed. I'm not talking about listening to music, or taking deep breaths (those things are fine), but something better. It's something we probably don't think about when we think about stress-relief, but maybe we should.


What Do You Get When You Put Unsuspecting Stressed Out People In A Box Of Kittens?What Do You Get When You Put Unsuspecting Stressed Out People In A Box Of Kittens?

Posted by Best Ads on Monday, March 2, 2015


It's the BEST way to relieve stress (unless of course, you're allergic). Even if you're not really a cat-person, you can't leave a room like this and NOT feel better. Kittens just make everything better... Seriously!



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