Syracuse Woman Steals Purse In Turning Stone
One of the nicest venues in this region has to be the Turning Stone Resort and Casino. Whether your gambling on the gaming floor, or catching music performances out of this world in the Event Center and The Showroom, The Turning Stone always delivers. One thing often over looked is how amazing the security is. They are constantly protecting you from tools like this.
WIBX is reporting that Marguarette of Syracuse, was attending the Kelly Clarkson concert on January 20th, when she saw a purse under the chair in front of her. What did you think she did with this purse?
Police say Marguarette allegedly picked up the purse and took it to another section of the casino, where she removed items and threw the purse away. Marguarette has been charged with grand larceny and was arraigned in the Village of New York Mills. She was sent to jail in lieu of $20,000 bail.
Now, what part of stealing in a casino seemed like a great idea? They only have a million different cameras and high tech security equipment. If she honestly thought she wasn't going to get caught, that's just sad.
[via WIBX]