Watch the 51st Butter Sculpture Come to Life at the New York State FairWatch the 51st Butter Sculpture Come to Life at the New York State FairThe annual butter sculpture at the New York state fair takes 10 days to create. You can watch it come to life in less than 60 seconds. PollyPolly
Experts Say These Are The 9 "Must Do" Things at the NYS FairExperts Say These Are The 9 "Must Do" Things at the NYS FairThere's so much to see and do and EAT at The Great New York Fair. How do you decide what you just can't miss?BethBeth
See a Time-Lapse Video of the Great New York State Fair’s Butter Sculpture Being CreatedSee a Time-Lapse Video of the Great New York State Fair’s Butter Sculpture Being CreatedEvery year, it's so great to see what the New York State Fair comes up with for their butter sculpture. But it's even better to see it being created.Naomi LynnNaomi Lynn
Farmer Inspires SculptureFarmer Inspires SculptureThe Great New York State Fair unveiled the 2017 Butter Sculpture. The sculpture honors New York State Troopers, and features a calf named Trooper who was born at the Fair's Birthing Center last year.Beth CoombsBeth Coombs
Butter Sculpture DisappearsButter Sculpture DisappearsThere are always tons of videos of the New York State Fair's butter sculpture being created, but have you seen it get taken down?Naomi LynnNaomi Lynn