
Are You Actually Consuming Arsenic When Eating Chicken? [VIDEO]
Are You Actually Consuming Arsenic When Eating Chicken? [VIDEO]
Are You Actually Consuming Arsenic When Eating Chicken? [VIDEO]
According to the FDA the answer is yes.  YUCK ! A report from Intellihub says that the FDA has now finally admitted that chicken meat sold in the USA contains arsenic. This is what's in anti-freeze! It's a cancer-causing toxic chemical that's fatal in high doses. There's more. Guess where this arsenic comes from?
Grilling Season Has Arrived
Grilling Season Has Arrived
Grilling Season Has Arrived
The unseasonably warm weather isn't the only sign Spring has arrived.  Golf courses have opened up early than normal for this time of year, ice cream shops are serving up tasty treats and BBQ's are being used. For me, there is nothing like dinner on the grill.  Not only is it tastier, but it's faster than the over or stove and it doesn't heat up the house.  Plus, clean up is a breeze.  There's no