christmas tree

New Holiday Tree Trend
New Holiday Tree Trend
New Holiday Tree Trend
Apparently a real Christmas tree, or a regular artificial tree is old news. The new holiday trend is getting an odd-colored Christmas tree or a 'Bubble Tree.'
Keep Your Tree Fresh
Keep Your Tree Fresh
Keep Your Tree Fresh
If you're home is decorated for the holidays with a real Christmas tree, there are ways to make it last longer. With a little care, you can have it looking great for at least a month.
Varieties Of Christmas Trees
Varieties Of Christmas Trees
Varieties Of Christmas Trees
If you buy a real Christmas tree each year like my family does, what you should be looking for? You don't want a tree that's 3 feet taller than your ceiling, and which trees last longer, or smell better, or have softer needles that don't pinch your feet when you're walking barefoot?