You Can Always Find Ties and Connections to Central New YorkYou Can Always Find Ties and Connections to Central New YorkNo matter where you go, whether it's western New York or even if you go to a different state, you can always find connections to our area.Naomi LynnNaomi Lynn
No Matter Where You Go, You Can Always Find Ties to CNYNo Matter Where You Go, You Can Always Find Ties to CNYWhether you leave Central New York to go on vacation or you move out of the area, wherever you go you'll still find ties to this area. There is no escaping...Naomi LynnNaomi Lynn
The Biggest Surprise During Naomi Lynn's VacationThe Biggest Surprise During Naomi Lynn's VacationEvery vacation is filled with surprises, right? I didn't know this was going to be the biggest surprise and the best vacation ever...Naomi LynnNaomi Lynn