movie trailers

‘Daddy’s Home’ Trailer: Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell Wage Dad War
‘Daddy’s Home’ Trailer: Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell Wage Dad War
‘Daddy’s Home’ Trailer: Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell Wage Dad War
Will Ferrell is never not busy, which means that he’s never pinned down. He may be a successful solo movie star, but he’s a man of many partnerships, never missing an opportunity to share the screen with a variety of co-stars. With the arrival of Daddy’s Home, Ferrell hopes to bring his onscreen partnership with Mark Wahlberg to John C. Reilly-ian levels. Hopefully, the movie itself is funnier than the new trailer. After all, the last time these two teamed up, we got the massively underrated The Other Guys.
‘Kung Fu Panda 3’ Trailer: A Kung Fu Panda Meets His Father
‘Kung Fu Panda 3’ Trailer: A Kung Fu Panda Meets His Father
‘Kung Fu Panda 3’ Trailer: A Kung Fu Panda Meets His Father
By the time Kung Fu Panda 3 hits theaters, it’ll have been five years since the previous adventure of Jack Black’s Po and his martial artist animal buddies. For the kids weened on the first two movies, that’s practically a lifetime. Considering the diminishing creative (but certainly not financial) returns between Kung Fu Panda and Kung Fu Panda 2, will anyone care about this movie when it ultimately lurches into theaters? Consider that question as soon as you click play on the trailer above.
‘Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation’ Trailer: Tom Cruise Almost Dies Multiple Times For Your Viewing Pleasure
‘Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation’ Trailer: Tom Cruise Almost Dies Multiple Times For Your Viewing Pleasure
‘Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation’ Trailer: Tom Cruise Almost Dies Multiple Times For Your Viewing Pleasure
No one has ever been shy about putting Tom Cruise’s apparent death wish front and center whenever it’s time to promote a new Mission: Impossible movie. Like with previous entries in the series, most of the chatter surrounding Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation has revolved around the myriad of ways the franchise’s leading man put his life on the line for our entertainment. The new trailer puts many of his craziest stunts front and center, including that still-jaw-dropping shot of Cruise clinging to the the side of an airplane as it takes off. The movie’s message is clear: this man almost died for you. Reward him with strong box office receipts.
‘Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension’ Trailer: Found Footage Goes 3D
‘Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension’ Trailer: Found Footage Goes 3D
‘Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension’ Trailer: Found Footage Goes 3D
The first three Paranormal Activity movies, released in successive years from 2009-2011, made over $577 million worldwide. The fourth movie made half what the previous film did, and the fifth, a Latin-American themed spinoff subtitled The Marked Ones, made even less than that. The film built up a complicated mythology and then seemed to abandon it all. The next, and reportedly final, Paranormal Activity movie will arrive in theaters this fall (in 3D, no less) and promises to reveal all the film’s secrets. Now you can watch the trailer for the latest installment and see if you still care.
‘The Peanuts Movie’ Trailer: Charlie Brown Is Not a Quitter
‘The Peanuts Movie’ Trailer: Charlie Brown Is Not a Quitter
‘The Peanuts Movie’ Trailer: Charlie Brown Is Not a Quitter
This new extended trailer for The Peanuts Movie hints at a film that's a bit more charming than you might expect. It also looks like it could be a legitimately good coming-of-age film, which seems about right with Paul Feig involved as a producer — he may be best known these days for his female-driven comedy films, but Feig is also the guy responsible for Freaks and Geeks, one of the greatest television shows of all time.

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