
SNL’s ‘Star Wars’ Toy Ad Reminds You Who’s Really Buying All Those Toys
SNL’s ‘Star Wars’ Toy Ad Reminds You Who’s Really Buying All Those Toys
SNL’s ‘Star Wars’ Toy Ad Reminds You Who’s Really Buying All Those Toys
Sure, there are lots of kids and teens buying Star Wars: The Force Awakens toys, but a long, long time ago in a galaxy that is actually this one, Star Wars belonged to another group of nerds — and those nerds are not going to let today’s kids take ownership of their fandom so easily, especially when these kids don’t know that action figures should STAY. IN. THE. BOX.
SNL Sets Tina Fey-Amy Poehler Dual Hosting, Hemsworth and Gosling for December
SNL Sets Tina Fey-Amy Poehler Dual Hosting, Hemsworth and Gosling for December
SNL Sets Tina Fey-Amy Poehler Dual Hosting, Hemsworth and Gosling for December
SNL bounced back nicely from Donald Trump this past weekend with The Hunger Games star Elizabeth Banks, looking even bigger this coming Saturday with Matthew McConaughey and Adele, but December 2015 will really go all out. Our final three hosts of the year include Ryan Gosling, Chris Hemsworth (poor Liam), and best of all, a dual Sisters hosting with SNL alum Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.
SNL Ranked: Amy Schumer Absolutely Kills It, Obviously
SNL Ranked: Amy Schumer Absolutely Kills It, Obviously
SNL Ranked: Amy Schumer Absolutely Kills It, Obviously
Amy Schumer has had an incredible couple of years with her hit series Inside Amy Schumer, her collaboration with Judd Apatow for Trainwreck, and her upcoming HBO comedy special. When you’re this beloved, there’s one place you need to be: on the SNL stage. Schumer makes her SNL hosting debut tonight and absolutely kills it, delivering a complete 180 from whatever happened with last week's relentlessly humorless season premiere (can we just pretend this was the season premiere? OK). There’s so much to love in this consistently funny episode, where even the weakest sketch of the night is still quite delightful. Read on for this week’s sketches, ranked from best to worst.
2015 Fall TV Preview: The 30 New Premieres You Can’t Miss
2015 Fall TV Preview: The 30 New Premieres You Can’t Miss
2015 Fall TV Preview: The 30 New Premieres You Can’t Miss
More and more each year, TV executives quake in their stylish, yet affordable boots over the exponential increase in peak TV, even as us ravenous viewers eagerly take it all in. Fall 2015 is no exception, cramming your DVR with everything from superheroes new and old, to Scream-ing gore-fests, animated staples and so much more. You’d need some sort of … television … guidance … periodical to navigate it all, but because we love you, we’ve compiled over 30 of Fall 2015's biggest must-see premieres. Remember to sleep, and take in the onslaught of fall 2015's TV madness by our full preview!
SNL Makes Black Widow Movie Trailer [VIDEO]
SNL Makes Black Widow Movie Trailer [VIDEO]
SNL Makes Black Widow Movie Trailer [VIDEO]
Comic fans everywhere have been asking why no one is working on a Black Widow movie. Well, Saturday Night Live decided this was the perfect time to come out with their idea of a Black Widow movie, and it's everything you would expect from SNL.

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