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New Hartford Natl. Anthem Singer Releases New Song Before College
New Hartford Natl. Anthem Singer Releases New Song Before College
New Hartford Natl. Anthem Singer Releases New Song Before College
New Hartford graduating senior Kate Schiavi was in WIBX's studios on Monday performing her new "Indie Breakup" song called Memories. Schiavi was the 2023 winner of the Boilermaker Post Race Party National Anthem contest, which was held at Babes in June of last year. As winner of the contest, Schiavi performed the Star Spangled Banner in front of some 30,000 people at least year's post race party.
3-Year-Old Sings
3-Year-Old Sings
3-Year-Old Sings
This should go viral soon, it's so sweet. GracieBug has posted a heart warming rendition of the National Anthem sung by 3 year-old Gracie and mom. These should make you feel a little more patriotic.
Add Christina Aguilera To This List Of Cringe-worthy National Anthems
Add Christina Aguilera To This List Of Cringe-worthy National Anthems
Add Christina Aguilera To This List Of Cringe-worthy National Anthems
Christina Aguilera has the right kind of voice to belt out a memorable national anthem. Unfortunately, her performance at Super Bowl XLV will be remembered for the wrong reason. As you’ve probably heard, Aguilera flubbed the anthem, forgetting the lyric "o’er the ramparts we watched." Aguilera is far from the first person to botch the Star Spangled Banner. Check out last night's flub an