These Are The 11 REAL Seasons in Central New York
Most places in the United States have 4 seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. Not Central New York. We have 11.
If you've lived in Central New York for any extended period of time, you know that 4 seasons could never be enough to describe the weather here. We can even have all 4 "regular" seasons in one week - nothing like wearing shorts on Monday and shoveling snow on Saturday - but it happens.
That's why we thought it was important to put together a more accurate list of Central New York seasons - including everyone's favorite - Third Winter - which we're going through right now. A sure sign that you're in Third Winter? It's snowing on the robins and crocuses in your yard. And your lawn chairs.
Phony Fall usually marks the beginning of the school year - but that's invariably followed by a few super hot days (Bummer Summer) so the kids can melt while sitting in classrooms with no air conditioning.
Did we leave out any seasons? What do you think?