What Happened to My Boost Oneida County Gift Card Incentive
What happened to the $100 Boost Oneida County incentive? If you haven't received your $100 gift card incentive for getting a booster shot with the Boost Oneida County program, just be patient. It's coming.
The Boost Oneida County vaccination incentive program ended on December 31. Anyone vaccinated after that date would not receive a $100 gift card incentive. However, anyone who received a vaccine or booster between July 15 and December 31 would still be eligible, according to OCGov.net.
Boost OC is funded through $2.5 million from the federal American Rescue Act. E-gift cards will be available until that allotment is depleted.
This is what appears on your phone when you do get the gift card incentive text and where the link takes you....
Card Selectoin
Once you receive the text above, click on the link and confirm your passcode, you're supposed to be taken to this screen to select your gift card.
No Cards Left?
The problem is, this is where many were directed instead. To a page thanking you for doing your part but informing you that "all allocated funds have been distributed at this time."
More Cards Coming
There is some good news though. More funds are being added to the incentive program to cover more people who are eligible and have not received their $100 gift cards yet. Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente is expected to make an announcement soon.
If you received a booster or vaccine between the time period in 2021, you're $100 Boost Oneida County gift card is coming. You'll just have to be patient.
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