When you're craving Chinese food, only Chinese will do. So where do you turn to get the best Chinese food in Utica?

Yelp has ranked the top 10 best Chinese food restaurants in Utica according to user reviews. Whether you like lo mein or steamed dumplings, Yelp is a great website to check out when you're looking for information and reviews of local restaurants.

So which restaurants do Yelp users rank as the best?

Top 10 Best Chinese Food Restaurants in Utica

Many of these restaurants offer dine-in service as well as take-out. There are even a few on the list that you may have never even heard of. Maybe you're loyal to your favorite Chinese food place, and won't go anywhere else.

What do you think of this list? Did Yelp users miss a great spot? Do you think their rankings are accurate?



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