[RESULTS] The Best Pie for the Holidays
We asked and you voted. This is the most popular pie that's sure to make you a big hit if you bring it to all your gatherings this season.
First of all let me just say a big THANK YOU to everyone who voted in our little poll. Last week, we asked what the best flavor of pie was for the holidays. Now, that doesn't mean the best pie overall, just what everyone wants to have during thanksgiving dinner and maybe for Christmas.
So maybe cherry pie is your favorite, but during the holidays you always have pumpkin pie... Just because.
Anyway, the votes have been counted and we have our answer!
The best pie for the holidays - The pie you should bring to all your family get-togethers and such this season, is...
Apple pie!
Apple pie won by a LOT too, with more than 53% of the votes.
Second place went to pecan pie and chocolate pie took the third place spot.
Probably the strangest result from this poll was that fact that cherry pie didn't get any votes. Not one single one! Guess that's not the dessert people want for the holidays.
But there you have it! If you want to bring the treat everyone is looking forward to (or at least the pie that everyone wants) for Christmas dinner, pick up or make an apple pie.