Death Wish Coffee, also known as the 'World's Strongest Coffee,' is adding to their list of great products. Be on the lookout for another caffeinated drink this year...

If you consider yourself a coffee lover, you've probably had Death Wish Coffee before. If not, you've at least heard of it and/or have been dying to try it. Luckily for us in Central New York, it's pretty easy to find their products at our local Hannaford stores, convenience stores, and even our liquor stores. If you haven't gotten a chance to try this New York favorite yet, we suggest you do... Before this latest product comes out.

***Warning: Death Wish Coffee isn't kidding when they say it's the world's strongest coffee. If you normally drink decaf coffee, DON'T drink this. It will be WAYYYYY too much caffeine for ya.

Anyway, Death Wish Coffee has been on the leading edge of coffee, making the strongest coffee around, teaming up with a confection company for Chocolate bars made with Death Wish Coffee, and even teaming up with Albany Distilling Company for Death Wish Coffee Vodka.

Now the New York company is adding to their collection of available goodies with Death Wish Coffee - Cold Brew. They posted the news on their website on Tuesday, January 2nd, saying their cold brew will come in three varieties: unsweetened, slightly sweet, and cream and sugar latte. According to Death Wish Coffee,

Each 8-ounce can comes packed with 300 mg of caffeine.

Again, they're not kidding when they say "World's strongest coffee." A regular cup of coffee has between 50 and 100 mg of caffeine.

So if you're like me, you're pretty excited to try Death Wish's cold brew. Unfortunately, there's no information (yet) on when this new option will be available, but we do know it's expected sometime this year. As soon as more information becomes available, we'll pass it along to you. And you can always keep an eye on their website to see the latest news and information at:

What do you think - Will you be trying the cold brew version of the world's strongest coffee? Why or why not?? We would LOVE to hear your responses - Just leave us a comment or message on our Lite 98.7 Facebook Page.



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