Did you get that random text message from Verizon? It's time to go through your contacts on your phone and make sure you have area codes, even with local phone numbers.

Starting February 11, 2017, you'll need to dial 315 plus the 7 phone digit number for any local calls. Well, except for any new local phone numbers, which will use area code 680. Sound confusing?

Verizon Wireless Message
CJ/TSM Utica

The reality of it is, you probably have 315 on most local phone numbers on your contact list. Take a look - I couldn't find any numbers without the area code on my phone. But depending on how you enter new contacts on your phone, you might find some that you'll need to edit.

Close-up of antique telephone
Steve Frost/Purestock/ThinkStock

The real problem is with your good old landline phone. Yes, you will need to remember to use 315 plus the 7 digits when you call your favorite pizza shop, or your neighbor up the road.

And then there will be even more confusion in another month when the new area code starts up for all new phone numbers. Starting March 11, new phone numbers assigned within the existing 315 region will be given the new 680 area code. That means you could be dialing a new restaurant in Syracuse with 680, AND you could dial a new doctor's office in Utica with 680.

Gary Shannon/TSM

How long do you think it will be before you dial your first "680"? Could it be a new status symbol in Central New York? When you meet people, will you say "are you a 315 or a 680"?


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