Valentine's Day is sneaking up on us pretty quickly. If you're single, there's a special event planned just for you.

Valentine's Day Balloons
Photo By: Brendon Thorne/Getty Images News

Love is in the air... or maybe it's not. If you're spending your Valentine's Day holiday alone, you may want to head out to Hotel Utica. A very unique celebration is taking place, the 'Anti-Valentine's Gala.'

The Hotel Utica is hosting this event - especially for singles, on February 14. The fun starts at 8pm with live entertainment, food, and a two-hour open bar.

Hotel Utica
Phil Nye/TSM

They are only selling a limited amount of tickets, with the going rate of $45 per person. They're also offering special room rates, if you prefer. More info on this event can be found on the Hotel Utica Facebook Page.

Now you have no excuse to sit home on Valentine's Day. Come hang out with other singles during the holiday of love. Who knows? Maybe you'll find someone special at the 'Anti-Valentine's Gala.'


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