Say Cheese – Delicious Festival Returning to Little Falls
We've been discussing all the festivals that we have in our area, and a few we'd like to see. But one thing we're very proud to announce is that the Little Falls Cheese Festival is set to return this July.
Cheese - what would crackers do without it? Cheese - arguably the most important part of pizza. Cheese - what more can we say about this wonderful delicacy? And with the Little Falls area's history in the cheesemaking industry, there's no place we'd rather go for a cheese festival. July 8, 2017 will be the 3rd time this event showcases the Mohawk Valley community.
“From 1864 to 1870, Little Falls was the largest cheese market in the world.“ (Little Falls Cheese Festival website)
Read all about the fascinating history of Little Falls Cheese here.
There will be many local and regional artisanal cheesemakers present at the event, along with restaurants, food vendors, music and more. Since they are still in the planning process, this would be your chance to get involved. You can find out more at or on Facebook.