Say Thanks to Your Favorite CNY Nurse During National Nurses Week
During National Nurses Week, we honor the amazing nurses everywhere - but especially in Central New York.
Nurses are there for us during some of the most difficult times in our lives - doing a very difficult and often thankless job. Nurses are there every step of the way: from birth to death and every step in between. There are over 300,000 nurses in New York State, working every day to make their patients' lives better. Here's your chance to say "thank you."
Nominate your favorite nurse, and every day during National Nurses Week, we'll select a nurse at random to receive a "First Aid Kit" including gift certificates from Herb Philipson's and Carmella's - along with a big box of pens, because we know someone is always stealing yours!
National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th, Florence Nightingale's birthday. It features a host of events across the U.S. to honor nurses for the work they do, and educates the public about nurses’ role in health care, according to Nursing World.
"National Nurses Week was first celebrated in 1954 – the 100th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s mission to the Crimea – it wasn’t until President Ronald Reagan signed a proclamation that May 6th would henceforth be National Nurses Day that the annual celebration of nurses’ efforts would be nationally recognized."
What's that mission they're talking about?
In 1854, Nightingale went to modern-day Istanbul to care for Britain's wounded soldiers of the Crimean War. While there, she made improvements to the care of the wounded - including simple hygiene and nutrition that drastically increased the survival rate of the wounded. Florence Nightingale is considered the founder of modern nursing. (Wikipedia)