Dr. Kent Hall, the Chief Physician Executive at MVHS, is spending his final days at the newly opened Wynn Hospital. Hall will retire this Friday, January 26th.
If you have been suffering some major spring allergies, you are not alone. In fact, it could be where you live. A survey came out listing the top twenty-five metropolitan cities in the United States that are the worst for spring allergies. Three cities in upstate New York made the top twenty!
Central New Yorkers are used to being wary of deer ticks and the potential for Lyme disease, but now a new tick has been found here, and it comes with whole new risks.
You've been told since you were young that you are allergic to dogs and sneezing when in contact with some has proven that to be true, but wait...you might not have to avoid all of them. Even the ones that aren't hypoallergenic.