Don't eat Tide Pods. It seems like something that shouldn't need to be explicitly stated, but here we are. And lest you think we mean little kids, we mean teens.
Have a few hours to kill this weekend? Looking for something the whole family can enjoy? We found the top seven interesting activities happening in our area this weekend.
The 2014 phenomenon returns to raise ALS funds and awareness, and Renee Zellweger and Justin Bieber are two of the first high-profile folks to douse themselves.
Remember that time last summer we all posted videos on Facebook of us pouring buckets of ice water on our heads? It was all in the name of raising money for ALS. One year later, where did all of the money they raised go?
Just when you thought the ice bucket challenge was winding down, here comes one more that you've got to see. Watch an adorable dog named Mr. Gregor get soaked, for a good cause.
The Ice Bucket Challenge has been quite a success, as people from all walks of life take part in raising money and awareness about ALS. Unfortunately, some people take it too far, in this case a grandfather dumping ice on his ten month old granddaughter.
It was only a matter of time before The Ice Bucket Challenge became a song. Vennue Mallesh is an Indian singer who has become an internet sensation in the West, mainly because many have described his music as 'unmelodious' and 'torturous.' Millions of You Tube users recently discovered his video ‘It’s My Life’' and it spread it across many social networks. Will the same happen for the 'Ice Bucket
When 'Guardians of the Galaxy' star Chris Pratt filmed his acceptance of the ALS Ice Challenge, we all thought he had beat the internet. Blue Ice vodka? Smirnoff Ice? Genius! However, that was until the great and playful Benedict Cumberbatch stepped up to the plate and filmed the greatest response to this viral phenomenon to date.
If you want to see Cersei Lannister throw a bucket of ice water over her head in support of ALS awareness -- who knew she had a charitable side, right? -- or Jon Snow or even George R.R. Martin himself, watch the stars and creator of 'Game of Thrones' perform the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
It's time to enjoy alternatives to the Ice Bucket Challenge. Now, I'm not knocking the cause, just searching for more creative ways of getting donations to ALS. Here is one from actor Verne Troyer, also known as mini-me fro the Austin Powers movie.
As the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge charity drive starts to wind down, there are only a few celebrities left who haven't yet gotten in on the action. A lot of those are ones who are very busy on the very top secret 'Star Wars: Episode 7' set. But, as the challenges continue to pour in, the 'Episode 7' cast has started to do their part, by dumping freezing buckets of ice water on their head.