
New Store Expected
New Store Expected
New Store Expected
A brand new department store is expected to fill the vacancy left by Sears at the Sangertown Square mall. For a big name store to invest in this location shows the progress and hope that still exists there.
CNY Mall Losing Another Store
CNY Mall Losing Another Store
CNY Mall Losing Another Store
The ShoppingTown Mall in Dewitt is losing one of its biggest stores. The shopping mall that has struggled since the opening of Destiny USA is said to lose their JC Penney store on April 8th according to employees there.
Huge Aquarium Planned
Huge Aquarium Planned
Huge Aquarium Planned
The last time you heard about the Rotterdam Square Mall outside of Schenectady, it was likely when the mall had its power cut due to lack of payment of its electric bills. Now the mall is under new ownership. And they plan to revitalize the shopping center with a large aquarium.