Tailgating is a huge part of live sporting events today and some professional sports team's fans go above and beyond when it comes to the party in the parking lot.
The annual tailgate party just before the NFL Divisional Championship games has become a big tradition in Herkimer. Each year, the event gets bigger and bigger according to organizer Marc Butler, who along with Waterfront Grille owner, Rocky Fiato - sponsor the event each year.
The Cortland Red Dragons Football team has won the NCAA Division III National Championship. Cortland knocked off top seed North Central 38-37 in a wild Stagg Bowl at Salem Stadium in Salem, VA.
A women's lacrosse coach has been accused of consistent abusive behavior by a number of her former student-athletes in a letter sent to the president of the university.
The basketball team was invited to Ohio to play in the game, which is great. What is not so great, is the fact that their band was not. Instead, Ohio State University students decked themselves out in Colgate gear and played during the game instead.
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College basketball fans have spent most of the last week gorging themselves on a buffet of hoops action, as the NCAA tournament field went from 68 to 16. Here’s what we've learned.