I've taken a few Nissan's for a test drive so I was pretty interested to see how the new Nissan Rogue felt. Why don't you come along for a virtual test drive?

Joe from Carbone Nissan tells us about some of the newest features for the 2017 Nissan Rogue Midnight Edition. Nissan offers lots of safety features, as well as easy connectivity for you devices. And it sure is one smooth ride.

Carbone Nissan Rogue
CJ/TSM Utica

If this or any of the other great Nissan models is right for you, now is definitely a good time to check out what Carbone Nissan has to offer. The "Summer Fest Sales Event" is going on now with special incentives to make sure you're driving the summer car of your dreams. Live music, food and prizes are also available at all the Carbone Dealerships.

Carbone Nissan
CJ/TSM Utica

Is there a car you would like to see us feature with a "virtual test drive"? Let us know and we'll get the cameras rolling!


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