Memorial Day weekend is coming up - and that's pretty much the kick-off of summer and the camping season. Save a few bucks on your next camping trip by picking up these essentials at any dollar store.

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    Flashlights and Batteries

    You're going camping - you don't need expensive or high-powered batteries or flashlights. You can pick up an 8pk of batteries for just a dollar!

    Naomi Lynn/TSM
    Naomi Lynn/TSM
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    Glow Sticks

    Glow Sticks are perfect to put in a cooler at night - that way you can see what beverages you're grabbing (without risking your phone getting wet).

    Naomi Lynn/TSM
    Naomi Lynn/TSM
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    Grilling Supplies

    It's no doubt your going to want to grill while your camping. Well, instead of worrying about your quality spatulas and serving equipment, just buy a cheap set at the dollar store. If they get ruined, it won't be a big deal.

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    Plastic Travel Bottles

    Not only are travel bottles good for carrying your shampoo and body wash and such, but you can also use them for condiments. Store your relish, mustard, and whatever else you need.

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    Dishes and Silverware

    It's cheaper to buy these at the dollar store, than the grocery store and you can get a lot of the same brands. Why not save a few bucks?!

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    Shower Cap

    I'm not talking about using a shower cap for your hair. They are actually great to use as covers over bowls and plates.

    Naomi Lynn/TSM
    Naomi Lynn/TSM
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    Or coloring books, chalk, anything like that to keep the kids entertained if they get a little bored at some point.

    Naomi Lynn/TSM
    Naomi Lynn/TSM

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