Let's just be honest here: we've have all told our kids little white lies. Now, one food company is actually encouraging it in the name of healthy eating.

When I was little, my mom told me the crust of the bread is where all the vitamins are. I believed it then - and if I'm honest, I still believe it now. My grandmother told me that if I was thirsty, I should suck on a pebble. I believed it back them - but now I realize that was probably a bad idea.

Kraft Foods is taking things a step further: they've created "Salad Frosting." Salad frosting is just ranch dressing, but repackaged to look like something kids would consider a treat. Kraft is hoping kids will eat more veggies if they think it's dessert.

Kraft also announced a contest to give families a chance to win free samples of its “frosting.” The brand is asking parents to share the best lies they’ve told their kids with the Twitter hashtags #LieLikeAParent and #contest. 1,500 winners will be selected based on likes and originality.

Come on, you know you've told your kids little white lies too. My favorite? "No kids, Toys R Us is closed today." (That turned out to be prescient, but whatever.) And YES, I told them the crust is where the vitamins are.

What little white lies have you told your kids?

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