A delicate violin somehow survived the blaze that devastated Boonville's Main Street, and has become a symbol of hope for the whole community.

The fire, which started late on January 7, 2020, ultimately claimed 5 buildings and left 15 people homeless. Evergreen Hills Music was housed in one of the buildings lost to the blaze.

Photo Courtesy of Officer Fred Robinski
Photo Courtesy of Officer Fred Robinski

The Boonville Police Department says Dave Pritchard Jr., and Dean, “Rusty” Yauger from the Boonville Volunteer Fire Department were able to rescue a violin from the burned out shell of the building, where the "lone violin hung on a display hook. The instrument looked amazingly intact and appeared to be the only thing that survived the devastating inferno."

In a Facebook post, the Police Department went on to say "The violin’s owner, Paul Slegaitis was informed of the recovery and that it was available for him to pick up. Paul realizes that the violin has become an important symbol from the fire and he has graciously offered to lend it to be displayed in the community for everyone to enjoy."

Further images of the violin were provided by Nicole Pitt of 'What's Happening in Boonville, NY' and Jessica Halstead, the violin has become "a symbol of the strength and hope that prevailed in the Village," according to the post.

Since the fire, a Go Fund Me for the Boonville community has raised nearly $27,000. A fundraiser is being planned for January 25, 2020 at Occasions Barn by Awesome Country. Donations are being accepted for either. To purchase tickets for the fundraiser, go to the Boonville Blooms Again event page.

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